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The Bible of Bibles


There is displayed in all Bibles a devout recognition of moral principles, and a strong manifestation of moral feeling. The disciples of all Bibles manifest an ardent aspiration for something higher, something nobler, — a mental struggle to reach a higher plane. This moral aspiration is displayed in almost every chapter; and there are in all Bibles veins of beautiful thought coursing through their pages. All of them contain moral precepts which are in their nature elevating and ennobling, and which, if practically recognized, would have done much to improve the morals and enhance the happiness of their disciples ; and all Bibles are valuable as fragments of religious history, and as indicating the state of religion and morals of the people who originated them.

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.9 × 8.3 in




Cover Tpye

Paper Back


Kersey Graves


Frontline Book Publishing


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