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Djehuty-hermes foundational philoshoper in the italian renaissacede

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: Karnak House; 1st edition (September 28, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1872596312
  • ISBN-13: 978-1872596310
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds



The author examines the socio-political context which suggests that constitutional slavery enshrined in Sparta and Athens were formidable legal tools which attacked dissent and the concept of a fair and egalitarian society. Plato, frustrated by the intransigence of building up an alternative philosophical structure at home, left for Italy where he encountered the Greeks erecting the same system there. This is where his benign despotism was designed.

Kmt/ Anicent Egypt long had a leisurely class reflected in its priests-philosophers who had millenia of a philosophical history to draw from. Djehuty, translated into Greek as Thoth, was also given the Greek name Hermes in honour of its own mythical man of wisdom. It was the Greeks themselves, in conquering Kmt in 332 BCE, who discovered the writings of Djehuty and canonised him as Kmt’s greatest philosopher, inventor of writing, magic, ecclesiastical architecture and many other titles ascribed to him. Thus in the 15th century, the priest-philosopher Marsilio Ficino, translating Plato into Latin under the patronage of the Venetian Cosimo de Medici, was given the task of translation Picatrix & the Corpus Hermeticum. This tract portrayed Djehuty as the penulitmate philosopher who marred high moral attributes with his vast knowledge.

It was not until the 20th century that the erudite Renaissance scholar Frances Yates proclaimed that the Italian Philosophers were mistaken about the ancient origin of their celebrated text and that it was dated to the Christian era. Saakana demonstrates that although the text may have been written during this period, a close reading and philosophical comparison between its contents and the erudite writings of Kmt for the past two-and-a-half-thousand years irrefutably confirm that the philosophy was vastly anciently established and authenticated.

This book will be useful for both undergratuate and post-graduate students in the fields of study of Egyptology, Philosophy, Renaissance Studies and African Studies.


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