The Golden Dawn

The Mother Church, born in darkness, developed in the blood of millions of innocent victims who refused to embrace its false dogma, sustained by instilling the fear of death into the mind of the masses, beholds the brilliant reflection of the Golden Dawn and trembles.

For the sign of the approach of the Golden Dawn heralds the reviving of the lost wisdom of the Ancient Magi; which informs man of the mysteries of Creation that will liberate his mind from the fear of death.


Empyreal Sea – Live 1400 Years

Why do deer and crows live long? Why do some of the lowly turtles live 1500 years? If an animal can live so long, why can’t man live just as long? Surely, we should be able to discover the reason for the turtle’s longevity. By applying these principles to the way of man, then he too should live, to say the least, as long as a useless turtle.


My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress: Volume 1 : E-Book

(Volume 1) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) The first Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie is


The Mystery of Man



The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors

First published in 1875, this is a popular discussion of the Saviors, Messiahs, or Sons of God preceding the Christian


The Coronation of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Sellassie 1

Coronation Emperor Haile Sellassie 1 Addis: Tafari Makonnen was born on July 23rd 1892 at Ejarsa Goro in the hills


The Word: That which is written and should be known

In this book … what I have attempted to do … is to give the golden thread: the spiritual cohesive


The Ethiopian Book of Life

Of all the magical works written in Ethiopic and Amharic which have come down to us, the most curious and


The Secret Doctrine of Melchizedek

The Secret Doctrine of the Order of Melchizedek in the Bible A historical exposition of The Devil and His Fiery


The Biography of Satan

A historical exposition of The Devil and His Fiery Dominions. Disclosing the oriental origin of the belief and future endless


Within the Holy of Holies

In these days of unprecedented spiritual awakening, there are many, very many, quickened Souls who are willing and eager to


Who Am I? The Supreme Understanding

Who Am I? The Supreme Understanding (The Anatomy of Ego) Editorial Reviews This book not only defines where you are


The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie 1: Volume 1

(Volume 1) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) (My Life and Ethiopia’s Progress) The first Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie is


The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie 1 : Vol. 2

The Autobiography of Emperor Haile Sellassie 1 : King of Kings of All Ethiopia and Lord of All Lords Vol.


A History of Ethiopia Nubia & Abyssinia : Vol. 2

There is a possibility that the people of upper Egypt were descendants of settlers from the south — eastern parts
