China/Africa & The 21st Century

China/Africa 21st Century: The 21st Century’s CHINA/AFRICA economic train has left the station. Few Europeans and Americans are consciously privileged


The Beijing Maestro

A historical novel, The Beijing Maestro enthralls, grips, fascinates and rivets. A story of survival and triumph, illustrating clearly how one

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The Queens Of Egypt

Queens Egypt: The history of Ancient Egypt is full of surprises for the modern investigator. Its extraordinary culture, the high


The Master Key

Master Key: The object of this work is to provide an introduction to the study of “thought” as it has developed


Origin and Evolution Of The Human Race

Origin Evolution Human Race: It is a cardinal tenet in the present work that man originated in Africa and from


The Oldest Book in the World

Oldest Book World: We present to the reader in the following work at its beginning, a  series of every archaic


The Kebra Nagast

The Kebra Nagast-The Queen of Sheba & Her Only Son Menyelek The story of the Queen of Sheba and her


The Lion of Judah Hath Prevailed

The Lion of Judah Hath Prevailed, was written by Christine Sanford in 1955, to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Emperor


Haile Sellassie and The Opening of the Seven Seals

The present work is characteristic of the bold style of rastafari scholarship that leaves no stone unturned in its broad


Rastafari: A Way of Life

This book takes the reader, in both fascinating text and stunning photography, deep into Jamaica, the birthplace of Rastafarianism.


History of Negro Revolt

A History of Negro Revolt … is Pan-African in conception, with an interesting attempt to trace the history of struggle


The Power Of Concentration

Power Concentration: I know that every man who is willing to pay the price can be a success. The price
